Voting Matters celebrates Australia Month!
DATE: Tuesday 21st January 2025
TIME: 6:30 PM for 7:00 PM
VENUE: Tingalpa Hotel, 1563 Wynnum Rd, Tingalpa (click for Google maps navigation)
This year, we are starting Voting Matters meetings with something different. We are honoured to join with other organizations to celebrate Australia Month.
Starting last year, Australia Month, to be held each January, is a chance for all Australians to express their gratitude for living in this wonderful country. Every organization can celebrate our good fortune in their own way and at a time that suits them. There are 31 days, not just the single Australia Day, to hold an event. Voting Matters has chosen Tuesday 21st January as per our regular schedule and we are pleased to also support a fabulous Australia Day Picnic.
We are not the only ones who welcome this Australia Month initiative. Matthew Stagg, the Flanno Philosopher, has started podcasting about our history. He wants to educate his children, along with the rest of us, about all that makes our nation the best place in the world. Please take 2 minutes 40 seconds to learn about the Tenterfield Oration, the speech that started the idea of a federation of the Australian colonies.
FREE ENTRY but a gold coin donation would be appreciated to help us with expenses. Parking is available on-site and in the adjoining Kianawah Park.