We're like TED Talks for real people. Nobody wants to give you the real content that matters, but we get in an array of exciting speakers each month to engage in truth, reason and reality.
Voting Matters was founded by Jewel Burbidge in 2016 out of exasperation with elections delivering the same results regardless of which party won government. The culture of the government remained the same and the people remained unaware of what is going on with critical issues not receiving coverage by our media. Jewel's objective is to encourage people to meet regularly and to exchange ideas or information about important political issues. Why? Because VOTING MATTERS.

Top Speakers
Voting Matters brings you a range of top speakers in their areas of expertise, enabling you to go deep and get the full picture.

Support for Regions
We reach nation wide. We empower satellite locations in the regions to benefit from our speakers, including an interactive Q&A session at the end.

Non-Party Political
When it comes to politics, we're equal opportunity. There is no endorsed or preferred party and they all get an opportunity to speak direct to the people rather than through the media.

No Strings Attached
We are genuinely independent with no funding from any political party or other organisation. For us, every gold coin entry counts. Others can donate, but they don't ever get to call the shots.
Hear Jewel Burbidge being interviewed about Voting Matters by Steve Austin on ABC radio.
“The great political struggle of our times is not between Left and Right. It is between those who are connected to truth, reason and reality and those who are not. It reflects a fundamental division in the West, whose fate will be decided by its outcome."
Melanie Phillips