Just how thick is this carbon dioxide stuff?

Just how thick is this carbon dioxide stuff?

Context and perspective are everything when it comes to decision making, especially fi you are about to take a risk or make a sacrifice.  Voting Matters' convener Jewel Burbidge gives you the very-low down on the amount of carbon dioxide out there, and what percentage of this is affected by Australia's 'carbon reduction' ambitions.



(This is derived from an automated process.  The video recording is authoritative.)  

This is what they say that we have to worry about - farming, right? You hear that word? Ad nauseum every day. The reality, and I thank Alan Jones for this information. You can do this, what I'm just about to do.

CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.042% of the earth's atmosphere. That is four 100ths of 1% of the entire Earth's atmosphere. So what does that mean when you think of it in comparison to the rest of the world's atmosphere? I'm five foot nine, a hundred seventy five centimeters, 1,750 millimeters.

Here we have my driver's license.  The side of the driver's license, the thickness of it is less than one millimetre. Alright? 0.042 of me is three quarters of the thickness of that driver's license. So in comparison, if this were the Earth's atmosphere, if I were to represent that, that is how much three quarters of that thickness is CO2. Yup, seriously.  Okay.

Now of that, three quarters of the thickness of that 3% is angiogenic - made by man.  Three percent of that.  Of that 3%, 1.16% is Australia's responsibility. That is what we are destroying the economies for, all over the world.

Get your driver's license when you get home and (you) can look in the mirror, compare even the whole thickness of it, apart from the fact that it's, you know, 1.16 of 3% of point zero four, etc.

That is what we are fighting about. That is what they're destroying us for.


Just how thick is this carbon dioxide stuff?
Watch the video

Context and perspective are everything when it comes to decision making, especially fi you are about to take a risk or make a sacrifice.  Voting Matters' convener Jewel Burbidge gives you the very-low down on the amount of carbon dioxide out there, and what percentage of this is affected by Australia's 'carbon reduction' ambitions.



(This is derived from an automated process.  The video recording is authoritative.)  

This is what they say that we have to worry about - farming, right? You hear that word? Ad nauseum every day. The reality, and I thank Alan Jones for this information. You can do this, what I'm just about to do.

CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.042% of the earth's atmosphere. That is four 100ths of 1% of the entire Earth's atmosphere. So what does that mean when you think of it in comparison to the rest of the world's atmosphere? I'm five foot nine, a hundred seventy five centimeters, 1,750 millimeters.

Here we have my driver's license.  The side of the driver's license, the thickness of it is less than one millimetre. Alright? 0.042 of me is three quarters of the thickness of that driver's license. So in comparison, if this were the Earth's atmosphere, if I were to represent that, that is how much three quarters of that thickness is CO2. Yup, seriously.  Okay.

Now of that, three quarters of the thickness of that 3% is angiogenic - made by man.  Three percent of that.  Of that 3%, 1.16% is Australia's responsibility. That is what we are destroying the economies for, all over the world.

Get your driver's license when you get home and (you) can look in the mirror, compare even the whole thickness of it, apart from the fact that it's, you know, 1.16 of 3% of point zero four, etc.

That is what we are fighting about. That is what they're destroying us for.
